I was a swimmer but once I was out of college it became harder to find pool time. We moved to Chicago, IL in 2008. A friend of mine in Chicago invited me to a Bikram Yoga class. Just as with anything new, it was extremely challenging. I was drawn instantly to the challenge and committed to their monthly membership. I was hooked to this type of yoga, the challenge and how cleansed and renewed I felt after each class. 

After a few years I began to explore other types of yoga, mainly Vinyasa styles. The space of equanimity yoga put me in time after time grew deeper and deeper. In 2020 I embarked on my 200 hr YTT to go deeper in my practice, studying under Leslie Petrovic, Shona Baldoni and Melissa Kessler. When I first started I wasn't sure if I would teach, but at the beginning of the pandemic friends wanted to practice yoga and asked if I would teach them. Once I began teaching I began to love connecting my students to that space of equanimity in their mind, body and spirit. 

I am honored with each opportunity to connect and find that equanimity from within. My hope with each class is that our community leaves feeling whole.